understanding staff and supervisor permissions

Modified on Thu, 15 Aug at 9:05 AM

Understanding Staff and Supervisor Permissions

Use this table to decide which permissions you would like to give to staff and supervisors:

Section PermissionDescription
Personal Account Settings
Update Username and PasswordPermission to update username and password
Reporter Account ManagementManaging Profiles


Please note: You can assign one of the two permissions to people with this role.


Edit, Archive & Delete Reporter Accounts


View Reporter Accounts (No Editing, Archiving, or Deleting)


Manage Profile LayoutPermission to create and manage the layout and organization of the profile. (You must have this permission to manage fields and panels.)
Create and Manage FieldsPermission to create and manage fields on the reporter management page.
Create and Manage PanelsPermission to create and manage panels and sub-panels on the reporter management page.
Creating, Editing, & Viewing Accounts

Create Reporter AccountsPermission to create new reporter accounts.
Edit, Archive & Delete Reporter Accounts
  • Allow for archival and deletion of all reporters at once

Edit: Permission to edit, archive, and delete reporter accounts.

Allow for archival and deletion of all reporters at once: This feature allows users with this permission to mass-archive and delete reporters. Give this permission with caution.

View Reporter Accounts (No Editing, Archiving, or Deleting)
  • Limit access by reporter

View: Permission to only view, but not edit, archive, or delete reporter accounts.

Limit: This permission limits access to selected reporter accounts. (This sub-permission is useful when creating Staff Role for desk auditors.)

Receive an e-mail confirmation when reporters are reminded to complete fields on their profiles.NEW FEATURE: Coming Fall 2024!

Accessing Communications Portal messages sent to reporters:

Your options are: 

  • Block access to messages on reporter profiles.

  • When viewing a reporter profile, access only messages one sent to the reporter. Do not access messages sent by other staff.

  • When viewing a reporter profile, access all messages sent by all staff to the reporter.
Receive an e-mail at the end of each hour notifying you of changes reporters made to their profiles. E-mails will only be sent if at least one reporter made a change during the hour.Receive an email every hour with a list of any reporters who made changes to their profiles.

These emails note the original value of any fields that were changed alongside the updated information. That way, you’ll have the information you need to reverse any changes ASAP.

You will only receive these notifications IF changes are made to the profile.
Receive an e-mail at the end of each day documenting the changes that all reporters made to their accounts that day.Receive an email once daily with a list of any reporters who made changes to their profiles.

These emails note the original value of any fields that were changed alongside the updated information. That way, you’ll have the information you need to reverse any changes ASAP.

You will only receive these notifications IF changes are made to the profile.
Signing Documents

Sign Documents as a Site Supervisor
(This setting is only relevant when you'll have a site supervisor sign any Reporter Profile documents.)
Sign Documents as a Director
(If site supervisors will never be signing Reporter Profile documents, or when a person with this permission will sometimes sign documents after a site supervisor, choose this option.)
Impersonating Reporters

Log in as/impersonate reporters

Choose Either:
  • Read-only access
  • Read/write access
Permission to access and log into a reporter’s account. (User must also have permission to Edit, Archive & Delete Reporter Accounts OR View Reporter Accounts.)
Staff Account ManagementManaging Roles & Profiles



Edit their Own Account ProfilePermission to edit their own account profile.
Create, Edit, Clone & Delete Staff RolesPermission to manage staff roles.
Manage Profile LayoutPermission to create and manage the layout and organization of the profile. (You must have this permission to manage fields and panels.)
Create and Manage FieldsPermission to create and manage fields on the staff management page.
Create and Manage PanelsPermission to create and manage panels and sub-panels on the staff management page.
Creating, Editing, & Viewing Accounts

Create Staff Accounts
  • Allow this person to assign others to any role


    Limit roles this person can assign others to.

  • (Only visible with Cohorts) Assign staff to any cohort, including cohorts that this user may not be assigned to.

  • Assign staff to any site, including sites that this user may not be assigned to. 

Permission to create new staff accounts.

Allow this person to assign others to any role: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any staff role.

Limit roles this person can assign others to: Limited permission to assign or reassign staff to only the selected staff roles.

Assign staff to any cohort: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any cohort. (If this box is not selected, users will be limited to assigning staff to their own cohorts.)

Assign staff to any site: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any site. (If this box is not selected, users will be limited to assigning staff to their own sites.)
Edit, Archive & Delete Staff Accounts
  • Allow this person to assign others to any role


    Limit roles this person can assign others to.

  • (Only visible with Cohorts) Assign staff to any cohort, including cohorts that this user may not be assigned to.

  • Assign staff to any site, including sites that this user may not be assigned to.

  • Allow for archival and deletion of all staff at once (versus having to click on the staff one wants to archive and delete).
Permission to edit, archive, and delete staff accounts.

Allow this person to assign others to any role: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any staff role.

Limit roles this person can assign others to: Limited permission to assign or reassign staff to only the selected staff roles.

Assign staff to any cohort: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any cohort. (If this box is not selected, users will be limited to assigning staff to their own cohorts.)

Assign staff to any site: Permission to assign or reassign staff to any site. (If this box is not selected, users will be limited to assigning staff to their own sites.) 
View Staff AccountsPermission to view, but not edit staff accounts for the sites assigned.
Accessing Communications Portal messages sent to staff:
Your options are:

  • Block access to messages on staff profiles.

  • When viewing a staff profile, access only messages one sent to the staff. Do not access messages sent by other staff.

  • When viewing a staff profile, access all messages sent by all staff to the staff.
Receive an e-mail at the end of each hour documenting changes staff made to their profile.Emails will only be sent if at least one staff made a change during the hour.
Receive an e-mail at the end of each day documenting changes staff made to their profile.

Signing Documents

Sign Documents as a DirectorCheck this box only if this person will sign Staff Profile documents certifying other staff signatures or as a representative of your Impact Suite's main organization. (Staff are automatically signers for assigned documents.)
Impersonating Staff

Log in as/Impersonate Staff membersPermission to access and login into other staff members’ accounts. (User must also have permission to Edit, Archive & Delete Staff Accounts OR View Staff Accounts.)
CommunicationsManaging Automated Alerts


Manage Automated Announcements Sent to Staff and Reporters
Permission to update some automated messages sent from the Impact Suite to reporters and staff.

These templates are found in the More drop-down menu on the Communications Portal page.

Check out more about this here.
Sending E-mails and Text Messages

Send Messages to Reporters and StaffPermission to send messages to reporters and staff using the Communications Portal.
  • Only message reporters and staff at the user's sites. (Permissions to E-mail and/or Text Message.)
  • Message all reporters and all staff. (Permissions to E-mail and/or Text Message.)

Send Messages to Group IdentifiersPermission to send messages to Group Identifiers using the Communications Portal. Folks with this permission can only message Group Identifiers at the user's sites. (Permissions to E-mail and/or Text Message.)
Associations ManagementType 1 Associations

Create and Rename Type 1 Associations
  • View all Type 1 Associations and their Items
  • Create Type 1 Associations and Items

Delete Type 1 Associations
  • View all Type 1 Associations and their Items
  • When applicable, delete Type 1 Associations and Items

View Type 1 Associations and Association Items
  • View all Type 1 Associations and their Items

Create, Edit, and Delete Type 1 Association Items
  • View all Type 1 Associations and their Items
  • Create Type 1 Associations and Items
  • Edit Type 1 Associations and Items
  • When applicable, delete Type 1 Associations and Items

Manage Type 1 Item Enrollment Instructions

Create, edit, and manage the instructions written to guide staff on how to enter Type 1 Associations

Type 2 Associations

Create and Rename Type 2 Associations
  • View all Type 2 Associations and their Items
  • Create Type 2 Associations and Items

Delete Type 2 Associations
  • View all Type 2 Associations and their Items
  • When applicable, delete Type 2 Associations and Items

View Type 2 Associations and Association Items
View all Type 2 Associations and their Items

Create, Edit, and Delete Type 2 Association Items
  • View all Type 2 Associations and their Items
  • Create Type 2 Associations and Items
  • Edit Type 2 Associations and Items
  • When applicable, delete Type 2 Associations and Items

Manage Type 2 Item Enrollment Instructions

Create, edit, and manage the instructions written to guide staff on how to enter Type 2 Associations

Group ManagementCreating & Managing Groups

Create and Rename Groups
  • View all Groups and their Identifiers
  • Create Groups
  • Access to the Export to Excel features
Delete Groups
  • View all Groups and their Identifiers
  • When applicable, delete Groups
Manage Group Identifier Enrollment Settings and Instructions
  • Name Group Identifiers
  • Decide who will enroll Group Identifiers
  • Create instructions for enrolling Group Identifiers
  • Allow Reporters to connect and disconnect from their own accounts (with or without staff approval)
  • Display profiles and assignment details for Identifiers
Create and Manage Group Identifier Profile Layouts
  • View all Groups and their Identifiers
  • Access to the Export to Excel features
  • Turning on Identifier Profiles for reporters
Create and Manage Group Fields
  • View all Groups and their Identifiers
  • Access to the Export to Excel features
  • Create new Fields
  • Manage Fields, including:
    • Controlling enrollment options for staff and reporters
    • Controlling editing capabilities for reporters
    • Archiving Fields
Updating Report Data with Current Field Settings
Updating report data with current Field settings
Creating, Editing, & Viewing Identifiers

Create, Edit, Archive, and Delete Group Identifiers

Choose either:
  • Only identifiers assigned to this user's sites
  • All identifiers
  • View Groups and their Identifiers
  • Create Group Identifiers
  • Edit Group Identifiers
  • Archive Group Identifiers
  • When applicable, delete Group Identifiers
  • Manage the settings for Groups, including:
  • Decide who can enroll new Identifiers,
  • Create identifier naming instructions for staff and reporters,
  • Allow reporters to connect and disconnect Identifiers from their accounts
  • Turn On Identifier Profiles for reporters
Receive instant e-mails for identifier enrollment requests, connection requests, and disconnection requests for:
  • Only for those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All Sites
Permission for the system to send an instant e-mail when enrollment, connection, and disconnection requests are made.
Receive a daily summary of identifier enrollment requests, connection requests, and disconnection requests for:
  • Only for those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All Sites

Permission for the system to send a daily email report of all of the Identifiers that reporters enrolled.
View Groups and Association Identifiers

Choose either:
  • Only identifiers assigned to this user's sites
  • All identifiers
  • View Groups and their Identifiers
  • Access to the Export to Excel features
Accessing Communications Portal messages sent to identifiers:
Your options are:

  • Block access to messages on identifier profiles.

  • When viewing an identifier profile, access only messages one sent to the identifier. Do not access messages sent by other staff.

  • When viewing an identifier profile, access all messages sent by all staff to the identifier.
Screening Submissions from Reporters

Screen Group Identifier Submissions, Connection Requests, and Disconnection Requests
  • Access to the Export to Excel features
  • Access Identifier enrollment requests, Connection, and Disconnection requests
Site ManagementManage Profiles


Manage Profile LayoutPermission to create and manage the layout and organization of the profile. (You must have this permission to manage fields and panels.)
Create and Manage FieldsPermission to create and manage fields on the site profile management page.
Create and Manage PanelsPermission to create and manage panels and sub-panels on the site profile management page.
Creating, Editing, & Viewing Sites and Cohorts

Create New SitesPermission to create new sites.

If Cohorts are enabled, you will also see the ability to: 
Create and Manage CohortsThis option is only available if Cohorts have been enabled. (See more about Cohorts here.)
Access Sites

Choose either:
  • All Sites
  • Sites One is Assigned To

Permission to:  
  • Edit
  • Edit and Delete 
  • Read Only

Permission to sign documents:

  • Sign Documents as a Site Representative
  • Sign Documents as an Organizational Representative
Receive an e-mail at the end of each hour notifying you of changes sites made to their profiles. E-mails will only be sent if at least one site made a change during the hour.Permission for the system to send an instant e-mail when changes are made to the site profile.
Receive an e-mail at the end of each day documenting the changes that all sites made to their accounts that day.Permission for the system to send a daily email report of all changes made to the site profile.
Report Management & Data AccessManage Questions & Forms


Create and Manage Report Questions & FormsPermission to create and manage questions and forms.
Schedule and Manage Launched ReportsPermission to schedule forms and manage any active, scheduled, or closed launches.
Accessing & Managing Data

Access and View All Report Data

Permission to access and view all report data.

Additional options:

  • Create, Edit, and Delete Saved Report and Export Format Options for All Staff.
  • Provide Action Center access to this feature.
(Only visible if Cohorts is Enabled) Access and Report Data For Cohorts

Permission to access and view all report data for the all Cohorts to which the staff member is assigned.

Access and Report Data For Specific Sites

Permission to access and view all report data for the specific sites to which the staff member is assigned.

  • Provide Action Center access to this feature.
Delete and Edit Report DataPermission to delete, edit, and return report data to reporters for editing.
Send an E-mail Notification Whenever a Reporter Submits a Report
  • Only for those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All Sites
Permission for the system to send an instant e-mail whenever a reporter submits a report.
Do Not Receive Urgent Alert NotificationsThis permission removes staff with this role from the list of recipients when the “Urgent Alert Notification” is selected by reporters from their reports.
Learning Community


Add New StrategiesPermission to add new strategies to your learning community.
Edit, Post, and Remove StrategiesPermission to edit, post, and remove strategies. (Gate Keeper)
Manage Goals & ChallengesPermission to manage the Goals & Challenges submitted by reporters through the special Goal & Challenge question that can be included in reports.
Control Report & Strategy Library TopicsPermission to control the headings and topics in your learning community.
Financial Reporting

This section will only appear if you have invested in the Financial Reporting module.
Create & Manage Program Years and Prime Codes
Permission to create and manage the criteria needed for setting up financial reporting documentation in the Impact Suite.
Approve, Reject & View  All Submissions for: 
  • Only those sites this user is assigned.
  • All sites.
Permission to approve or reject submissions from sites.
View All Submissions for:
  • Only those sites this user is assigned.
  • All sites.
Permission to view all financial reporting submissions made by sites.
Receive e-mail notifications when budgets and expense reports are submitted or resubmitted for:
  • Only those sites this user is assigned.
  • All sites.
Permission for the system to create e-mail notifications when financial reports are submitted or resubmitted by sites.

Note: Staff members can have global permission to the right, but can only be assigned to one of two roles: either Timesheet Site Supervisor or Timesheet Director.
Create & manage timesheet templatesGlobal permission to create, manage and edit Timesheet Templates.
Timesheet Site Supervisor

Timesheet Site Supervisor: Permission to act as a supervisor-level timesheet screener/signer.

Send e-mails to this person when reporters submit or resubmit timesheets, and this person is able to be the first (or only) signer of the sheets.Permission to receive automated emails for timesheet submissions or resubmissions from reporters for the sites to which the supervisor is assigned.
Send e-mails to this person when other Timesheet Site Supervisors approve sheets and this person should also be able to sign the sheet for final approval.

(This setting is only available for Timesheet Templates with the following option enabled: "Two Signatories: Two Timesheet Site Supervisors".)
Permission to receive automated emails for timesheet submissions or resubmissions when they are acting as the second screener on each timesheet for the sites to which the supervisor is assigned.

(This setting is only available for Timesheet Templates with the following option enabled: "Two Signers: Two Timesheet Site Supervisors".)
Send Insufficient Hours NotificationsPermission to receive automated insufficient hours notification email alerts.
Send Excessive Hours NotificationsPermission to receive automated excessive hours notification email alerts.
Provide Action Center access to quickly screen sheets.

This person should be able to review submitted sheets, but should not sign or reject sheets.

  • This person should be able to review submitted sheets, but should not sign or reject sheets.

  • Limit access by reporter.

Permission to review submitted sheets but not sign or reject sheets for the sites to which the supervisor is assigned.

Review: Permission to receive automated e-mails for timesheet submissions or resubmissions from reporters for the sites to which the supervisor is assigned.

Limit: This permission limits access to selected reporter accounts. (This sub-permission is useful when creating Staff Role for desk auditors.)

Provide access to the report, "Reporters Who Need to Submit Sheets" for:
  • Only for those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All Sites
Permission to review report.
Provide access to the report, "Supervisors Who Need to Screen Sheets" for:
  • Only for those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All Sites
Permission to review report.
Enable Fast TrackPermission to enable quick review and signing of timesheets. Please see further guidance and warnings found here before turning on this permission. 
Timesheet Director

Timesheet Director: Permission to act as a director-level timesheet screener/signer. (Can view, approve and reject all sheets.)

Select one:
  • Only those sites this user is assigned to.
  • All sites.
Provide Action Center access to quickly screen sheets.

Send approval, submission, & resubmission e-mailsPermission to receive individual automated emails for timesheet submissions, resubmissions, and approvals for all reporters and supervisors at all sites.
Send daily reports of timesheet approval/return activityPermission to receive a daily summary for all timesheet activity (submissions, resubmissions, and approvals) for any relevant reporters and supervisors. 
Send insufficient hours notificationsPermission to receive automated insufficient hours notification email alerts.
Send excessive hours notificationsPermission to receive automated excessive hours notification email alerts.
Enable timesheet deletion featurePermission to permanently delete timesheets.
IMPORTANT: This permission should only be granted to staff who understand that permanently deleted timesheets cannot be recovered.
Enable Fast TrackPermission to enable quick review and signing of timesheets. Please see further guidance and warnings found here before turning on this permission.
Home Page Management

Update Home Page Content and PhotoPermission to manage the images and news box on your home page.

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