managing standard fields

Modified on Tue, 11 Mar at 10:11 AM


Custom Fields: Understanding Field Types in Reporter's Profile

There are three types of fields in a reporter's profile. This article covers Standard Fields

For Custom and Type 1 Associations, you will need to reference other articles to learn how to use and manage them. 

Here are the three types of fields:

  1. Standard Fields - These fields are defaults and connect to essential system settings, so they have fewer options for customization. 

  2. Custom Fields - You and your program create these fields to collect any information on your reporters you wish, they are entirely customizable (see this article for more information on creating custom fields: creating panels, sub-panels, context blocks, and fields). Access guidance on understanding and managing Custom Fields here. 

  3. Type 1 Associations - these are fields that create custom "tags" for reporters that can be used to categorize and target reporters in different ways throughout the system.  Access guidance on understanding and managing Type 1 Assocations here.)

Understanding Standard Fields

Standard fields are pre-installed and play an important role in the operation of your Impact Suite. Here is a list of the Standard Fields, where you will find them (panel/subpanel) and where you can manage these fields. 

Field NameDescription
Where/How to Manage
Panel/Subpanel: Name & Contact Details
First NameReporter's first name (used in signing timesheets and audit trail in various modules)Profile Layout Manager

You can reorder these fields, but you cannot customize them beyond this.
Last NameReporter's last name (used in signing timesheets and audit trail in various modules)
MobileReporter's mobile phone number
Receive TextsYes = Reporter has opted in to text messaging
E-mailReporter's email address
PasswordIf a password has not been established: Send Weclome Email link is displayed.
StatusActive = Able to complete reports (surveys)
Panel/Subpanel: Timesheet Settings (Available for Timesheet Module Users)
Timesheet AssociationReporter's timesheet association, establishes minimum number of hours required to completeProfile Layout Manager: You may control - Reporter Enrollment Options, Reporter Editing & Archiving Options, and limit Staff Access to Data in this Field.
Personal Start DateReporter's personal start date, establishes any needed blackout periodsYou cannot reorder or customize this field.
Timesheet Template
Reporter's assigned timesheet template
Profile Layout Manager: You may control - Reporter Enrollment Options, Reporter Editing & Archiving Options, and limit Staff Access to Data in this Field.
Personal End DateReporter's personal end date, establishes any needed blackout periods
You cannot reorder or customize this field.
Blackout DatesReporter's assigned blackout datesYou cannot reorder or customize this field.
Panel/Subpanel: Site Assignment
Site AssignmentReporter's assigned site(s)
Profile Layout Manager: You may control - Reporter Enrollment Options, Reporter Editing & Archiving Options, and limit Staff Access to Data in this Field.
Panel/Subpanel: Communications History (Outbound)
Communications History OutboundReporter's history of email and text messages sent through the Communications Portal
You cannot reorder or customize this field.
Panel/Subpanel: Report Completion Rate (Available for Data+ Module Users)
CompletedNumber of reports completed by reporterYou cannot reorder or customize this field.
MissedNumber of reports missed by reporterYou cannot reorder or customize this field.
Current RateCurrent completion rate linked to history of completed reportsYou cannot reorder or customize this field.
Historical RateHistorical rate established by your teamYou cannot reorder or customize this field.

Making Standard Fields Mandatory When Enrolling Reporters

Requiring certain standard fields upon enrollment can ensure that you're connecting reporters to essential settings such as their site assignment and timesheets right away.

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, click Reporters, Staff, & Sites.

  2. On the right, click Manage reporter accounts.

  3. On the right, use the More drop-down menu and select Manage Fields and Profile Layout.

  4. Click on the name of the field you'd like to update.

    These are the three standard fields that you can require upon enrollment:

  5. A window will open:

  6. Decide on whether to make the field required or visible (but not required) upon enrollment.

  7. Click the Update button to save your changes.

Turn On Review: I want staff to review and update standard fields.

Let's imagine you want your staff to review a standard field when moving from one program year to another. The first step will be to create a Type 1 Association called Program Year. (Check out this resource for creating Type 1 Associations.)

Once you have created your Type 1 Association and have permission to Create & Manage Fields, you can turn on review for any field in the reporter profile.

Let's review how to manage staff review for your STANDARD FIELDS

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, click Reporters, Staff, & Sites.

  2. On the right, click Manage reporter accounts.

  3. On the right, use the More drop-down menu and select Manage Fields and Profile Layout.

  4. Click on the name of the standard field you'd like to update.

    These are the three standard fields for which you can enable review by the reporter or staff.

  5. A window will open:

  6. To turn on review for STAFF:

    1. Scroll to the Reporter Editing & Archiving Options section.

    2. Check the box next to this permission > "Require submanagers to review or complete the field when a reporter is assigned to a Type 1 Association."

    3. Select the Type 1 Association and Item you'd like to use to trigger the review. (In this example, we'll Use Program Year > 2025-26.)

    4. Select the staff (by Staff Role) responsible for reviewing this field. 

      Important Note: Only Staff Roles with permission to "Edit, Archive, & Delete Reporter Accounts" are available in this list, as they are the only folks in your Impact Suite with permission to make changes in a reporter's profile.

  7. Click Update to save your changes. 

What will happen after you turn on review by Staff? 

The relevant staff will be prompted to review the field when the reporter is added to the Type 1 Association Item: 2025-26 (under Program Year) in their profile. Here's how staff will be prompted: 

  • All selected staff will have access to a new page on their Action Center: Update Reporter Profiles listing all reporters with fields that need to be reviewed:

  • In relevant reporter profiles, a new section called Admin To Do's will appear:

  • If you have enabled the permission: 'Receive an e-mail at the end of each day listing reporters whose profiles require staff updates or review,' relevant staff members will receive a daily email listing all reporters who need to review this field.

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