CLLS reporting changes for 2024-25

Modified on Thu, 18 Jul, 2024 at 5:44 PM

This document outlines the steps we encourage you to take to align your Impact Suite with CLLS’s 2024-25 reporting requirements.

You are not alone! If need a thought-partner to talk through these updates, please book a time to do the work together.


Have a question? Send them to us at We are here for you!


Demographic Data Changes 

CLLS Requirement:
This section will resemble your current general ESL Services data collection. The major change in this section is the race and ethnicity categories have been combined. This section reflects the current U.S. Census categories.

Tutor and Volunteer demographics will no longer be reported, so you'll only need to make these changes for your Learners.


Race and Ethnicity

The major change in this section is the race and ethnicity categories have been combined. This section reflects the current U.S. Census categories. 

Learner race/ethnicity categories:

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
    • Chinese
    • Japanese
    • Filipino
    • Korean
    • Vietnamese
    • Indian
    • Laotian
    • Cambodian
    • Other
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Middle Eastern or North African
  • Pacific Islander
    • Hawaiian
    • Guamanian
    • Samoan
    • Other
  • White
  • Other
  • Prefer Not to Say

Learner Age

Here are the categories:

  • 16-19
  • 20-29
  • 30-39
  • 40-49
  • 50-59
  • 60-69
  • 70+
  • Prefer not to say

Learner Gender

Here are the categories:

  • Male
  • Female
  • Non-binary
  • Other
  • Prefer not to say

Learner Prior Education

Here are the categories:

  • K-3
  • 4-6
  • 7-9
  • 10-12
  • High school graduate
  • Some college
  • College graduate
  • Postcollege
  • No prior education
  • Prefer not to say

Learner Home/Primary Language (ESL Only)

Here are the categories:

  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
  • Hmong
  • Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, and others)
  • Tagalog
  • Korean
  • Other Languages
  • Prefer not to say


Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

To make these updates for Learners, follow these steps:

Here’s how:

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, select Groups.

  2. Find the section called Manage Groups and use the drop-down to choose the group you’d like to work on (usually called Learners or Students).

  3. On the top-right, use the More menu to click Manage Profile Layouts and Fields.

  4. Find the panel where you have your demographic details. Find your Race/Ethnicity fields and click to make the edits.

    For single and multi-select fields, you'll be able to remove or add items as needed. Just keep in mind that you'll likely need to do a bit of editing on your Learner accounts when you're done.

  5. Here’s an example of the updated fields to match the above state requirements:



If you want to make changes to (or just double-check) your Learner profiles, here's the fastest method: 

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, select Groups.

  2. Find the section called Manage Groups and use the drop-down to choose the group you’d like to work on (usually called Learners or Students).

  3. On the top-right, use the More menu to click Export to Excel.

  4. At the top of the page, use select all of the demographic fields by opening the correct panels and checking them.

  5. At the bottom of the page, you can: 


Adult Literacy & ESL Services Activity Information

Data must be collected separately for ASL and ESL services. In your Impact Suite, you can easily separate your data by adding a field in the Learner Profile to capture program details, either: ASL or ESL. Like this:

Beginning in 2024-2025, libraries will collect information about each CLLS program activity (one-on-one tutoring, small group and large classes, and walk-in tutoring). The type of information that will be reported is below.

One-on-One Tutoring Information

  • Format one-on-one tutoring is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of one-on-one tutoring sessions
  • Number of one-on-one tutoring sessions
    • For example, if the one-on-one tutoring pair meets one time a week for a full year, that is considered 52 tutoring sessions.

Small Group and Large Class Information

  • Format small group and large classes is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of small group or large class sessions
  • Number of small group and large class sessions
  • Average number in attendance per small group or large class session

Walk-in Tutoring Information

  • Format walk-in tutoring is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Total number of walk-in tutoring sessions
  • Number of walk-in tutoring sessions


Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

For One-on-One Tutoring reports, we recommend using our new Add-a-row Matrix question for your monthly reports. These questions allow your Tutors to add as many sessions as needed for each month. Here's an example: 

Check out this article on creating Matrix questions or book a time with a member of the America Learns Support team for more help!

Family Literacy General Questions

CLLS Requirement:
This section will resemble your current general Family Literacy Services data collection. The major change in this section is the children’s categories have been combined. The total number of participating children will be reported in one category, ages 0-17.

FLS General Questions

You will need to capture the following data points for FLS:

  • Number of enrolled learners served this project period
  • Number of enrolled adult learner children (0-17 years of age) served this project period
  • Number of enrolled adult learner family members 18 years or older served this project period
  • Number of eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled learners served this project period
  • Number of eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learner children (0-17 years of age) served this project period
  • Number of eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learner family members 18 years or older served this project period
  • Number of books provided to enrolled or eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learner families
  • Number of other items (e.g. kits) provided for at-home learning to enrolled or eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learner families



Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

You track FLS participation by updating or creating a panel and fields in your Learner profile.

Here’s how:

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, select Groups.

  2. Find the section called Manage Groups and use the drop-down to choose the group you’d like to work on.

  3. On the top-right, use the More menu to click Manage Profile Layouts and Fields.

  4. Find and open your FFL panel.  Either update an existing field or create a new one to reflect this information. (While age-by-birth date is no longer required, we recommend continuing to capture this data in the event that CLLS changes their requirements in years to come.)

    Here’s a sample of how many programs structure FFL tracking in the Impact Suite: 




Family Literacy Activity Information

CLLS Requirement:
Beginning in 2024-2025, libraries will collect information about each CLLS program activity (one-on-one tutoring and small group and large classes) for enrolled and eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learners. The type of information that will be reported is below. 


Family One-on-One Tutoring Information for Enrolled Learners

  • Format one-on-one tutoring is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of one-on-one tutoring sessions
  • Number of one-on-one tutoring sessions
    • For example, if the one-on-one tutoring pair meets one time a week for a full year, that is considered 52 tutoring sessions.

Small Group and Large Class Information for Enrolled Learners

  • Format small group and large classes is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of small group or large class sessions
  • Number of small group and large class sessions
  • Average number in attendance per small group or large class session

Family One-on-One Tutoring Information for Eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled Learners

  • Format one-on-one tutoring is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of one-on-one tutoring sessions
  • Number of one-on-one tutoring sessions
    • For example, if the one-on-one tutoring pair meets one time a week for a full year, that is considered 52 tutoring sessions.

Small Group and Large Class Information for Eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled Learners

  • Format small group and large classes is provided:
    • In-person
    • Virtual
    • Combination of in-person or virtual
  • Average length (in hours) of small group or large class sessions
  • Number of small group and large class sessions
  • Average number in attendance per small group or large class session

Volunteer General Information

CLLS Requirement:
Beginning in 2024-2025, libraries will only collect general information about their volunteers. The major changes in this section include:

  • Adult Literacy Services, Family Literacy Services, and ESL Services volunteers and hours will be reported together.
  • Volunteer demographic data will no longer be collected.

Volunteer General Information

You will need to capture the following data points for Volunteers:

  • Number of individuals who served as a volunteer during the project period
  • Number of volunteer hours
  • Length in hours of basic tutor training
  • Number of times basic tutor training was offered during the project period
  • Did you offer continuing education for tutors (training after they received basic tutor training)?



Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

Generally, you will track the hours your Tutor spends volunteering when collecting regular Learner session data. To track training you can use Groups! Follow the guidance below to create Group and form to track training opportunities and attendace tracking below. 

Need more support? Book a time with a member of the America Learns Support team

Outreach Information

CLLS Requirement:
Beginning in 2024-2025, libraries will collect information about their CLLS outreach 

Outreach services provide information about CLLS programs to community members.Outreach may recruit learners and volunteers. Outreach may specifically focus on those members of the public who:

  • May have low literacy skills
  • May rarely or never use the library
  • Are traditionally underserved by library or education services

Outreach Information

You will need to capture the following data points for Outreach:

  • Types of outreach events you attended to engage the community in literacy services
    • Community fairs/festivals
    • School/school district, First 5, or other agency literacy events
    • K-12 and preschool school-related events (like back-to-school nights, parent meetings)
    • Adult school/college events
    • Volunteer fair
    • Workforce development events (job fairs) and workplace events ormeetings
    • Health and human services events or meetings
    • Housing agencies
    • Jails, prisons and like institutions
    • Reporting centers (probation, parole)
    • Events at and meetings with community-based and service organizations (i.e. Nonprofits, faith-based institutions, Rotary, Kiwanis)
    • Recovery and mental health organizations
    • Professional associations and retiree groups
    • Financial organizations/banks
    • Other
  • Number of outreach events attended during the reporting period

  • Number of individuals contacted through outreach

  • For libraries with FLS programs, the number of books to build home libraries provided at outreach events for eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled families.

  • Types of benefits seen from outreach efforts

    • Enrolled new learners

    • Recruited volunteers

    • Received money or in-kind support

    • Formed or strengthened community connection

    • Other

Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

To make these updates in your Impact Suite, we recommend creating a Group to track your Outreach Events.

Creating a Group will allow your team to track each unique event as they happen, and will allow you to avoid duplicate reporting.


To create a Group:


  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, click Our Groups.
  2. In the Create a Group section on the next page.


Video Support: Tracking Outreach Events Using Groups


IMPORTANT: If you decide to use Groups track this data and would like to align how your Impact Suite refers to Groups, let us know! Just drop us an email at, let us know your preferred language, and we’ll make the change for you.



Roles & Goals Data Collection

CLLS Requirement:
In 2024-2025, libraries will continue to collect Roles & Goals data. The major changes in this section are:

  • The Roles & Goals categories have been simplified
  • An “other” goal category has been added to each role

When possible, libraries should report a goal in its closest goal category. If a goal does not fit into a current goal category, only then should the “other” category under the appropriate role be used to report the goal.

  • Number of adult learners and ESL learners who set at least one goal during the reporting period
  • Number of adult learners and ESL learners who made progress toward at least one goal during the reporting period
  • Number of adult learners and ESL learners who met at least one goal during the reporting period

Roles & Goals Information

For each goal, you will be reporting the following:

  1. Total number of learners who set the goal during the reporting period
  2. Total number of learners who made progress toward the goal during the reporting period
  3. Total number of learners who met the goal during the reporting period

NOTE: If a learner meets a goal, they should not be reported as making progress toward a goal. The total between learners who met a goal and learners who made progress toward a goal should not be more than the total number of learners who set the goal.

Lifelong Learner

  • Learn the alphabet, letters, or sounds
  • Read a book, magazine, or news
  • Write a letter, poem, story or essay
  • Use technology skills
  • Use the library
  • Get a diploma
  • Improve communication skills
  • Other (write in a specific goal if the goal cannot be connected to a goal listed above)


  • Get a job or a better job
  • Apply for a job
  • Perform current job better
  • Get a license or certificate for work
  • Other (write in a specific goal if the goal cannot be connected to a goal listed above)

Family Member

  • Read a book with a family member
  • Help a family member with homework and studying
  • Read a medicine label (or other health-related documents)
  • Improve financial skills
  • Build confidence speaking with or for my family
  • Other (write in a specific goal if the goal cannot be connected to a goal listed above)

Community Member/Citizen

  • Access community resources (such as WIC, Medi-Cal/Medicare, CalFresh, or other services)
  • Get involved in the community (such as volunteer at a community organization, school, place of worship, etc.)
  • Get a driver’s license
  • Become a citizen
  • Vote
  • Other (write in a specific goal if the goal cannot be connected to a goal listed above)

Make the Changes in Your Impact Suite

You will need to make a decision around changes to your Roles & Goals tracking. 

  • Will you update your current Roles & Goals tracker with the changes provided by CLLS? 


  • Will you create a Roles & Goals question with the shortend list of goal options? 

Making Changes to Your Current Roles & Goals Tracker

This method has the advantage of retaining goals that have already been set, met, or in progress. 

The only tricky part is deciding what to do with goals that have been consolidated. For example: in the Life Long Learner role, 'Reading a book,' 'Reading a magazine,' and 'Reading a news article' have been consolidated into a single goal - 'Reading a book, magazine, or news'. 

To handle this, we recommend archiving the old options and creating a new one. You'll need to communicate with Tutors about this change, so that if they had previously set the goal of 'Reading a book' they'll understand that they'll need to re-set the goal: 'Reading a book, magazine, or news'.


To update your current question, follow these steps:

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, click Report Management; and then
  2. On the right, click Create and manage questions.
  3. On the left, under Our Categories & Questions, select the category with the question you want to edit or update.
  4. All questions within that category will appear on the right.
  5. Find the question you would like to edit and use the Edit button to open the question and make changes.

  6. Once the question opens, you can change the text in the Main Text, Highlighted Text, Special Text Directly Above Response Area (optional), and the Subquestion Text (required) fields.
  7. Now find your Roles & Goals subquestion. Here's a video to walk you through the remaining steps:


Creating a New Roles & Goals Tracker (with an updated Session Tracker)

This method has the advantage of allowing everyone to start fresh. 

This will keep your data super clean, but, of course, you'll need to communicate with Tutors about this change. You can assure then they haven't lost any data, and that because of new CLLS requirements you've decided to start afresh.


To create a new Session Tracker with Roles & Goals, follow these steps:

  1. On the left, in your Mission Control, click Report Management.
  2. On the right, under Question Management, click Create and manage questions.
  3. To build questions, click Create a New Question and walk through the steps you’re prompted with on the next page.

  4. To create a Session Tracker, like this one, checkout the guidance found here on creating an Add-a-Row Matrix

  5. To create the Roles & Goals component, checkout this article

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